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For the 2024-2025 school year:


Length: Semester

Open to: 9,10,11,12

Credit: Fine Arts

Prerequisites: None. 

Homework hours per week: Minimal, if any

Course Video:


Improvisation is the acting art made popular by the television show Whose Line Is It Anyway? Improv explores acting in the moment without the aid of scripts, using specific games that provide the parameters of the story being created. Students will learn how to create characters, relationships, objectives, and settings (CROW) in order to tell stories that are interesting and entertaining. This course will teach the students to first trust themselves and be comfortable performing in front of a small audience, and then will teach them various “short form” games (such as “Party Quirks”) while developing their improv skills. 



Length: Semester

Open to: 9,10,11,12

Credit: Fine Arts

Prerequisites: None. Intro to Acting and CWU Theatre 107: Introduction to Theatre may be taken concurrently.

Homework hours per week: 1-2 hours

Course Video:


This is a one-semester course that covers the basics of theatre arts, with a focus on performance skills. The student will learn how to perform in a variety of situations (including improv), how to use stage space effectively, how to develop vocal and physical characteristics to help portray a character, and how to transfer emotions from real-life situations to fictional scenes. This course will also include a brief survey of the technical and fundamental elements of theatre. Evaluation is based on critiques by the teacher and other students as well as by self-reflection.



Length: Semester

Open to: 9,10,11,12

Credit: Fine Arts

Prerequisites: Introduction to Acting OR CWU Theatre 107: Introduction to Theatre

Homework hours per week:1-2 hours

Course Video:


This is a one-semester course that will provide students with further instruction in the study of acting and directing. Using a brief lecture/discussion/workshop approach, students will explore scenes and monologues in order to study development of characters. Students will be expected to participate in classroom activities and rehearsals with the ultimate goal of directing and performing for the class. This course will also explore the technical elements of theatre at a greater depth than Introduction to Acting and CWU Theatre 107 Introduction to Theatre, including (but not limited to) set, costume, lighting, and sound design.



Length: Semester

Open to: 9,10,11,12

Credit: Fine Arts

Prerequisites: Introduction to Acting OR CWU Theatre 107: Introduction to Theatre OR Instructor Permission.

Homework hours per week: Dependent on role in production. Most work will be done in class.

Course Video:


This course is for students looking for the opportunity to take on their own projects in all areas of theatre production, including, but not limited to direction, casting, producing, costuming, marketing, playwriting, and design.  This course will be primarily project-based, with students selecting, reading, casting, directing, blocking, and producing a dramatic piece(s) for the public performance.   Additionally, students could participate in their peers’ productions as actors and/or designers.  This course will be largely student-driven and collaborative, with the instructor serving in a mentoring role.  Fundamentals of directing and producing will also be covered in this semester-long course.  (Note:  This course was formerly called Theatre Arts III.)



Length: Semester

Open to: 9,10,11,12 

Credit: Fine Arts

Prerequisites: None

Homework hours per week:1.5-3 hours

Course Video:


This course is an overview of the basic elements of the theatre arts and dramatic structure, and the environment for production of plays. This course differs from Introduction to Acting in that there is less focus on actual performance/acting skills, and greater emphasis on the fundamentals of theatre. Students who register for credit from Central Washington University and pay the registration fee and tuition can earn 5 college credits upon successful completion of the course. Theatre 107 is part of the Washington 45 list of courses transferable to any college or university in Washington State.



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